Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Christmas Wish List Trend Has Begun

At the time of this writing, Thanksgiving has not yet happened, yet a quick search on Twitter shows that people are already discussing their what they want this holiday in 140 characters or less.

Some people have short lists and post them all in one post. For example, one Twitter user lists, " My Christmas list: Wooden cooking spoons, coffee table, potato peeler. That is all." Another is shooting big, but only asking for one thing, "my parents told me to do my christmas list and i put down shortlist!" Others are posting their holiday wishes on other websites or blogs and are including the URL to that post in their tweet.

Other Twitter users are still contemplating their lists, as shown by these tweets, "what to list in my Christmas Wishlist??? hmmmm..." and " working on my christmas list!" Still others are adding items to their requests, 

There are some Twitter u, users who are announcing that they are working on getting others presents, "Checking the first item off my Christmas shopping list, a gift for my nephew. Thanks and "well, my mom just sent me her Christmas list. now I'm making a Disney calendar because i have no money."

So, now the problem becomes, if you are going to tweet your gift requests directly to Santa Claus, which Twitter account goes to the real St. N? A people search on the microblogging site returns many users claiming to be Santa Claus. Many are listed as being in the North Pole, while others state that Santa is living in Lake Tahoe, Finland, and even the Philippines. So, maybe you should just tweet them all... you never can be too careful.