Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Rolando H. Serapon

Rolando H. Serapon of Calitlitan , Aritao Nueva Vizcaya was a 4 termer Brgy. Captain has accomplished the following projects such as the covered court funded by Cong. Padilla, Brgy. cemetery funded by municipal mayor Lucita Tan. Serapon also implemented ordinances, curfew for minors anti-smoking and tree planting among others. 
His wife Josephine who always support him all the year round and his four children Rebelyn, Gerlie, Rewin, and Lea who serve as an inspiration to whole the family.
Kablaaw: Iyabrasak man ti naimpusuan nga kablaaw ko amin kanyayu nga kabarangayak iti nabara a paskua ken naragsak a baro nga tawen tau amin apu.##

Monday, November 26, 2018

Lupo B. Alava

Lupo B. Alava of Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, running as a municipal councilor, motivated and very eager to help his native town. Alava was the past president of Presidential Cycling Federation, member of Freemasonry, Alpha Phi Omega and Order of the Amaranth.
Sports and development are one of his advocacy through this the youth will help them keep away from illegal drugs, smoking etc. let's join hand in hand for youth development. Let's empower the youth to showcase their own abilities that can contribute to youth progress.
Alava also joins the cycling race " Tour ng Pilipinas" in 1980, which he became 1st lap winner, overall in Mindanao, Visayas And no. 8 in the final.Vizcayano's are very proud for his contribution to sports and after he graduated from college he continues the cycling competition till 1985.
His loving wife, Gertrude who support him with all his undertakings and they were blessed with 3 children Seynth, Sylvester, and Genevieve.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Finding the Best Lights for Decorating Your Christmas Tree This Year

When it comes to Christmas decorating ideas, the consumer is awash in choices every year - mini Christmas lights, purple, red, blue or green LED Christmas lights, candle lights, old-fashioned Christmas tree lights with torpedo-shaped bulbs, LED Christmas light nets - the options are endless.

As the owner of a small company that sells a unique kind of traditional Christmas Tree Candle, I enjoy watching trends in Christmas decorations and seeing what kind of Christmas tree lights people buy. This little light looms large in Christmas lore. It has a long and fascinating history.

Christmas Lights -- History

It all started with the simple Christmas candle, which is credited to Martin Luther who, legend says, came up with the Christmas tree in the 16th century. The Christmas tree survived quietly for centuries until electric Christmas tree lighting came on the scene in the early 1900s and, as they say, the rest is history.

 The idea began to catch on, but the lights were expensive so only the wealthiest of the wealthy could afford them at first. GE began to offer Christmas light kits in 1903. And starting around 1917, electric Christmas lights on strings began to make their way into department stores. Costs gradually dropped and the biggest marketer of holiday lights, a company called NOMA, was wildly successful as consumers began to snap up the new-fangled lights across the country.

Early Designs

Many early Christmas bulbs were shaped to look like what they had replaced: the classic Christmas tree candle. The candle shape fell out of vogue, and in time new varieties shaped like glass balls, animals, lanterns and Santa figures hit the scene. A new and improved candle-shaped bubble light re-emerged later on in the 20th century. This one was filled with percolating colored liquid that cast a flickering light on the tree as the bulb grew warm. You can still occasionally find vintage bubble Christmas lights like these in flea markets or antique shops. Electric Christmas lights continued to hold sway into the 1980s.

Today's consumers have been embracing LED Christmas lights as enthusiastically as their great-grandparents gobbled up the first generation of electric Christmas tree lights 90 years ago. Is the LED Christmas light close to the saturation point? Every year I think so, but then the manufacturers come out with a new twist - LED lights in a web, LED Christmas lights in a large mesh net, blinking LED Christmas tree lights or some other variation.

Hope for the LED-Weary Christmas Connoisseur

One thing is clear: LED Christmas lights are huge energy savers. That's a good thing. But virtue has its price. LED illumination has a different optical quality -- so different that some Christmas-lovers feel it is sterile and devoid of any warmth. LED-skeptic Christmas buffs who want to give their tree a real glow have been boxed in by a lack of choices -- but persistence pays in the end. There are a few sources that supply the original Christmas Tree Candles and traditional Christmas Tree Candle Holders, and people are beginning to tap them as an alternative.

If LED Christmas lights are too soulless for you, but you don't want to go back to the energy-gobbling electric lights you grew up with, consider switching to traditional Christmas Tree Candles this year. They've been around for centuries -- much longer than the electric light. And they're even greener than LED Christmas lights because they consume absolutely no electric power.

Christmas Off the Grid

Say the idea of an environmentally friendly, candle-powered Christmas tree appeals to you, and you've decided you "won't take LED for an answer." You would like to get off the grid and go candle this year. You'll have to make a few choices - but the process of looking at the design options and figuring out what you like best is fun.

First, you won't want to just melt the end of the candle and stick it on your Christmas tree (as Martin Luther is reported to have done). You'll need Holders for your Christmas Tree Candles. Find a source of good-quality traditional metal Candle Holders. And make sure they're German - they're the best.

Second, decide what kind of Christmas Tree Candle Holders will look best. This is simply a matter of taste. There's no right or wrong. The classic Clip-On Candle Holder is a popular solution. It clamps on to the branch and has a swivel mechanism so you can adjust it. The Clip-On Christmas Tree Candle Holder is usually available in silver or gold.

The Pendulum Christmas Tree Candle Holder is an older design. This model has a stem with a weight at the end, which balances the candle holder and helps it stay straight. This model generally has a ball-shaped  weight or a star weight. All candle holders have a wax catcher to catch drips before they reach the carpet.

Third, get the right kind of Christmas Candle for your candle holders. The fit is crucial, so it's not worth cutting corners or trying to substitute another kind of candle. The candle really has to be snug in the base of the holder for safety reasons. Birthday candles are too thin. Dining candles, tapers and many pyramid candles are too thick. Make sure you get genuine Christmas Tree Candles. Again, the best are from Germany.

Finally: Stay flexible. The advantage of Christmas tree candles is that they don't restrict your overall design or look. You can use them with other Christmas decorations - for example, your favorite vintage, antique or contemporary ornaments or tree toppers - or virtually any other decorations you have. If you want, you can even use electric lights and Christmas candles together.

Virtue Has its Rewards

Christmas Tree Candles are Kilowatt-Killers. You can feel good about using them because they don't draw a single watt of electricity. You can also pack them up with your other ornaments at the end of the season and use them again next year.

But the real payoff is aesthetic. The sight of a stately evergreen bathed in the soft light of Christmas candles is heart-stoppingly beautiful. Candlelight hushes the heart and casts a warm glow that electric Christmas lights and LED lights just can't match. Candlepower has a way of capturing the Christmas Spirit and spreading it among your family, guests,
and friends who will be seeing your tree over the holidays. Granted, you have to be careful and use common sense (position the candles so the flame won't get close to anything and stay in the room). But the delight and magic of your candle-powered Christmas tree will last the entire season.##

Friday, November 23, 2018

Engr. Eric Van P. Sesbreño

Engr. Eric Van P. Sesbre
ño of Solano Nueva Vizcaya is a hardworking and God-fearing man, running as a board member on 2019 election. Sesbreño, The  President of the National Contractors Association of the Philippines 2011 to present, President of the Aldersgate College Alumni Association Inc. from 2006 to present,  Board of Trustee- Chamber of Commerce in Nueva Vizcaya Chapter and an Adviser Member of the Philippines Benevolent Missionary Association Incorporated.

Sesbreño graduated at Saint Mary’s University in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. In 1991 he was a trainer at the National Manpower Youth Council, the Project Engineer at the National Power Corporation Rehabilitation of Towers and the general manager of EVPS 1992 to present.

* Good governance

Thе dеgrее tо whiсh a gоvеrnmеnt еthiсаllу and trаnѕраrеntlу рrоtесtѕ represents аnd provides ѕеrviсеѕ tо itѕ citizens iѕ good gоvеrnаnсе. It рrоmоtеѕ thе соllесtivе rеѕроnѕibilitу оf the government, сivil society and рrivаtе ѕесtоr for improving the livеѕ оf all сitizеnѕ, раrtiсulаrlу thе рооr.

He ѕtrоnglу believes that every inѕtitutiоnѕ are promoting gооd gоvеrnаnсе, Individuals, ѕhоuld lеаd tо a rеѕроnѕivе аnd honest gоvеrnmеnt.

* Sports and development

The benefits of sport are many – from physical and mental health to the development of teamwork and leadership abilities to building of confidence. On a larger scale sport can help with social inclusion and harmony and can promote equal opportunities for children and people with disabilities.

Sport for Social Development is a method of bringing about social change through the use of sports. Sport and play are used as tools for peace and development. Sport and play help children learn lifelong skills, empower communities, and remove discrimination. 

Sport can be used as a tool to reach personal and community goals.
Sport and physical education have an educational impact. Physical activity is vital to the holistic development of young people, fostering their physical, social and emotional health. The benefits of sport reach beyond the impact on physical well-being and the value of the educational benefits of the sport should not be under-estimated.

* Good moral recovery

There is a need to re-establish democratic institutions and to achieve the goals of peace and genuine social justice. Along with these goals, there is a need as well to build ourselves as a people. There is a need to change structures and to change people.

Building people means eliminating our weaknesses and developing our strengths; this starts with the analysis, understanding, and appreciation of these strengths and weaknesses. We must take a good look at ourselves--objectively with scientific detachment, but also emotionally and, when appropriate, We must view ourselves as might a lover viewing a loved one. We must not be self-flagellating, but neither can we afford to be defensive. We must change, and for this understanding, ourselves is the first step.

Message: If you give 
Sesbreño a  chance to be a board member of Nueva Vizcaya, rest assured you that he will give the best in providing you all the basic necessities by formulating and legislative measures for the improvement of the province.



FREDERICK DOMINGO RAMILLOZA Brgy Captain Brgy Barat, Purok II, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya The wife of Brgy. Ramilloza is a NUVELCO contractor, as the collector of payment for the Brgy. Has been providing the scholarship to deserving students with support from municipal funding. Children: 1. Melody Alene R. Gavina - RN Nurse- Dubai, UAE SOPIA S. Umamos - Grade 12 ☆ Motto: Simply work hard and positive results will come. Kablaaw: Naimbag a pascua kadacay amin, nasalun-at, natalingenngen, naragsac ken biag nga napnuan ti grasya, salakneb ti Apo Dios.