Tuesday, December 4, 2018



KING'S 810 GAMING CORP. #002 DUPAN ST. BRGY. QUIRINO SOLANO, NUEVA VIZCAYA Managed by Ret. Col.Marlon P. Gauiran PA AFP - Best Officer of the year 2009 PSG- Presidential Security Group - Legion of Honor Awardee among others.
☆ A brief backgrounder, the business started as a corporation business from grassroots number games, they ventured into a legalized STL- Small town Lotto and because Col. Gauiran had the exceptional discipline in making things run out smoothly, and he resides in Nueva Vizcaya, evidently made it a plus factor being chosen as the GM - GEN.MGR OF KING'S 810 GAMING CORP. The business looks promising and a very good source of income. Indeed it can create jobs, and it is one way of promoting social service in line with one of the objectives of PCSO an extension of its medical services that of helping the people of Nueva Vizcaya.
Wife: Grace Gauiran children: Chillie Mar Ace, Cyruz Gray and Chelsea Joy

Monday, December 3, 2018

How can you make your dream come true?

In this digital age, to succeed and to create your own success story, you must take a few simple steps. It could significantly help you make tremendous progress towards your goals. At first glance, it may sound kind of frightening, but in reality, it is precisely the opposite.

These necessary steps provide you with the best chance to take advantage of your skills, abilities, talents, and effort both in professional and personal life. It allows you to get on the horse and grip the reins of your future success story with confidence. And in doing so, you can lead all of your drive towards accomplishing your objectives.

From Dreams to Success Story
When you look at it carefully, dreamers always win, once they follow through with actions of course. They are the high achievers because they have the passion for succeeding. Dreamers are passionate people who take risks and make daring moves, so that their dreams may become a reality.

Therefore, if you are a dreamer attracted to whatever success story you envision for yourself, you have to learn a few ways to visualize your future. Why? The reason is that you need to have a clear vision of what your life is going to be like.

So, you must take a snap photo of what your success story is like for you. Imagine all the details such as where do you live, how much you are making, how many employees do you have, are you sitting down with world leaders or delivering a speech on a stage, and hold on to that snapshot.

Visualize Your Success Story
By holding on to that vision like it is an obsession, you will subconsciously start making decisions that will get you there. Then you have to write your objectives down on paper each day. I do each morning and evening. And then work hard to make your goals a success story.

Visualize Yourself
To create your own success story, you have to take a snapshot of yourself and your appearance.

See the clothes you are wearing. Look at the colors you have on. Imagine the difference between now and then. Realize how you feel. See if you are smiling, severe or thoughtful.

These snapshots allow you to identify the kind of clothes you want for yourself.

Read about Any Other Success Story
You have to read and learn from other people's success stories that they all started from nothing. Most people always see and know the success but not many look at where successful people came from and what they had to do to get where they are at today.

Imagine Your Surroundings
Like I said earlier, you need to imagine all the details about your surroundings. You have to see such things as where do you live, how much money you make, how many people work for you, are you the CEO of your own business, are you sitting down or on a stage giving a speech?

These things will trigger your subconscious to push you forward to higher levels of success and create your own success story.

See Who Is at Your Side
When you look ahead, who do you see beside you, supporting you? Visualize if there are people who were already at your side while you were struggling. Imagine if the individuals that are working for you. See how many children you have, if you give back to the community around you and make a difference in other's lives.

Picture Your New Lifestyle
In any success story, there is always some reference to a change of priorities in life. So, picture how your life has changed. See the new perspective you hold for yourself. Imagine the new routines you have. Visualize your new lifestyle and how you live.

Visualizing your success is an essential part of getting you to that point. As I said before, it is already half of the battle won.

Create Your Own Success Story
Next, if you realize what your keys to change are, visualize what you want apparently and then take action, you will be well on your way to make your success story a reality. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

What Christmas Means to Me


Divorce is very hard when you have children. It is even harder when you are a very religious family that is filled with ministers and missionaries. Your very important religious life comes crashing all around you because as far as your family and church are concerned you are a terrible sinner. When approaching the holidays that celebrate the life and death of Jesus Christ, it forces you to rethink how you will celebrate Christmas. You can't go to the church you grew up in because you are no longer accepted. You don't celebrate with your extended family as a couple because they will not accept the person you love so you are forced to go separately to family celebrations. I guess what I am really saying is 'what Christmas means to me' is not what it may mean to other Christian families.

Before the label of homosexuality became my life, I could hardly wait for the Christmas celebration to begin. I loved having the extended family holiday meal. Buying presents and making gifts for family and friends was not only fun but something I looked forward to all year long! Finding just the right gift for my children and seeing their approval Christmas morning brought back wonderful memories. It was truly a December of fun activities filled with family, church events and lots of holiday parties. But this was not the case anymore! Now I was forced to celebrate Christmas without the favor of the people who use to be a big part of my life.

When I was divorced, I did not receive residential custody of my children even though it was proven I was the better parent, but I did get the Christmas holiday with them. My wife, Tori had sole custody of her son, but her parents refused to accept our relationship. They threatened to take Brad away from her if our relationship was ever discovered. As a result, Tori was forced to celebrate every Christmas day with them. My parents gave me an open invitation to celebrate Christmas with my children at their house along with my brothers and sisters families. This I did rarely because being around the judgmental eyes they always cast in my direction was unpleasant. It wasn't a Christmas celebration that was good for me or my children. So Tori and I were forced to start a new tradition for the Christmas holiday alone without extended family members.

Tori and I gave up many things when we became a couple, but the one thing we never gave up was Christmas. We both loved the holiday and celebrating it with our children. It may not have been like it was before, but for the most part, it was better. Tori and I ran a very successful upholstery and design business. We were so successful that we had the ability to give presents to our children like we never had before. They were the first to have the latest toys and games. They had the best clothes and we treated them to blockbuster movies and special Christmas Broadway plays. What we couldn't give them in extended family Christmases we made up with expensive restaurants and just plain fun!

We made Christmas very special. Tori and I started decorating in November and we added one new decoration to our home every year. One year the kids and I painted two giant nutcrackers we made out of plywood to adorn either side of our front door outside and lit them up with lights. Another year we decided we would decorate two trees in the house. Every year we added new ornaments to each tree. We loved Christmas so much that we decorated every room in the house in celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. We had a manger with baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph displayed prominently on the fireplace and every year we added one more animal or person.

You would think that Tori and I had every right to turn our backs on our faith because of the persecution we suffered from the church and our religious families, but we didn't! We celebrated Christmas! Every Christmas Eve we read the story of Jesus' birth to our children. We prayed and thanked God for our Christmas meal. We practiced our faith and we never gave up on Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Luke 2: 11: "This very day in David's town your Savior was born- Christ the Lord!"

Jesus was our Savior. He lifted us up even when society denied us the ability to marry. Jesus provided far and above our needs because we never let go of Him. Instead, we changed into better people. We loved our neighbors and family unconditionally. We gave our tithe to City Union Mission to help the poor and homeless. We gave to ministries to help the families of prisoners. We were not victims, but servants of the Highest God.

Matthew 16: 24-27, "Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone wants to come with me, he must forget himself, carry his cross, and follow me. For whoever wants to save his own life will lose it: but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Will a person gain anything if he wins the whole world but loses his life? Of course not! There is nothing he can give to regain his life. For the Son of Man is about to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he will reward each one according to his deeds."

We were destined to be a family. It was a truth that God affirmed to us over and over again through the blessings He gave our family. Our extended families may have rejected us on earth, but our Heavenly Father did not. God has an eternal reward for us because we did not give up and let go of Him. What Christmas means to me is a blessing that I didn't know I would receive until I participated in the life God predestined for me to live.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Atty. Jose "Jing" V. Gambito

Hon. Eugenio “Butz” Penuliar

Eugenio “Butz” Penuliar of Bonfal West Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, a 3 termer Brgy. kagawad , now running as municipal Kagawad. His motivation is to run and to serve his fellow farmer, At present, he was the committee of agriculture.
Eugenio was able to implement the request for certified seeds- rice & corn for the farmer, farmers are an important part of the survival of our various societies because they provide food and fiber that nourishes and cloths us. They make responsible use of natural resources and utilize both primitive and very advanced technologies to accomplish this
His loving wife Sonia who support him always, bless with one son Jaylord.
Kablaaw: “Naimpusuan nga  pangselebrar ti paskua ken nagasat nga baro a tawen ”


Wife: Glenda Timbreza Bolaya Salunat
.1. Ryan- Geodetic Engineer U.A.E.
2. Ferry Anc Castillo - Executive Officer GSP Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya.
3.Gay- RN Salubris Hospital Solano Nueva Vizcaya.
4. Dawn- Animal Production Officer
5.Christine Carnate- Admin aide in capitol Nueva Vizcaya.
6.Jelestine- RN Provincial Hospital Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
7. RYFERJEL- student SMU