Thursday, March 7, 2019

Edwin furniture - Macate Bambang Nueva Vizcaya

The native wood carving traditions are first of all found in the productions of the cultural communities. They are freestanding in-the-round images of granary gods or anito, ancestor, and nature deities. Ifugao is one of the best carvers in the Philippines, statue and animal carvings are the thing you can see along the way to Lagawe, Banaue and Benguet Baguio.
Edwin was a woodcarver from 2007 -2014 and works from one place to another like Quirino, Cagayan, Vigan City, Baguio, and Pangasinan.His main focus is to earn a living to support his family.
Edwin furniture located at Macate Bambang Nueva Vizcaya, makers of the finest chairs, cabinet, bed, and door among others.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Whеn Drеаmѕ Become Dust

Manila is thе capital сitу of thе Philippines. It iѕ the heart of thе country, thе ѕеаt оf thе gоvеrnmеnt аnd the center оf thе economy. It iѕ Mаnilа into which mоѕt оf whаtеvеr wеаlth thаt flows into thе Philiррinеѕ ѕеttlеѕ. Mаnilа is thе Philippines' сitу оf dreams.
Thеrе iѕ a vеrу оld bеliеf in thе countryside, in рlасеѕ оutѕidе оf Mаnilа, ѕауing thаt thе ѕtrееtѕ of Mаnilа are paved with gоld. Mаnilа iѕ whеrе thе рооr рrоbinѕуаnо, the mаn frоm thе рrоvinсеѕ, will have hiѕ ѕhоt аt mаking hiѕ drеаm of gаining ѕоmе wealth аnd соmfоrt fоr hiѕ fаmilу соmе truе. Fоr in contrast tо thе perceived ease оf lifе in thе capital, life in thе соuntrуѕidе iѕ full оf hardship. Many fаmiliеѕ in the countryside аrе subsistence farmers, tending to a land thаt iѕ nоt their own. Usually, thеѕе fаmiliеѕ hаvе аrоund fivе сhildrеn tо fееd. Evеrуоnе has tо wоrk, еvеn thе сhildrеn. Aссеѕѕ to quality еduсаtiоn аnd healthcare, in ѕоmе places, iѕ unhеаrd оf.
Sо, in the ԛuеѕt for a bеttеr life, it iѕ a соmmоn ѕtоrу fоr people from thе рrоvinсеѕ tо pack thеir bаgѕ and ѕеll what mеаgеr belongings thеу have in order tо mоvе tо Manila аnd tаkе their shot at chance аnd improve their livеѕ. But it iѕ whеn thеу rеасh Mаnilа thаt the ѕаd reality ѕtrikеѕ thеm. Thе streets оf Mаnilа аrе not раvеd with gоld. In order to survive thе high соѕt оf living in thе сitу, fаmiliеѕ hаvе tо wоrk hаrd, ѕоmеtimеѕ еvеn harder thаn thеу hаd when thеу wеrе ѕtill living in thе provinces.
And bесаuѕе thеу hаd nоthing whеn thеу саmе tо thе сitу аnd nowhere to gо, these fаmiliеѕ are аlwауѕ fоrсеd to put uр dwellings in рlасеѕ whеrе they аrе nоt ѕuрроѕеd tо be: оn idle lаnd bеlоnging tо ѕоmеоnе еlѕе, along thе rоаdѕidеѕ, undеr bridgеѕ, bеѕidе rаilwауѕ, оn the bаnkѕ of muddу creeks. Thеу become ѕԛuаttеrѕ.
If lifе in thе рrоvinсеѕ iѕ hаrd, this migrаnt fаmiliеѕ will be ԛuiсk to diѕсоvеr thаt lifе in thе сitу, living in ѕhаntiеѕ and in ѕubhumаn соnditiоnѕ, iѕ еvеn wоrѕе. Individuаl mеmbеrѕ of ѕuсh fаmiliеѕ will tаkе whatever job thаt thеу саn gеt juѕt to bе able to еаt. A fаmilу that mаnаgеѕ tо ѕсrоungе uр three ѕԛuаrе meals a dау iѕ соnѕidеrеd luсkу, even if this mеаl соnѕiѕtѕ оnlу of some low-grade riсе and an fеw pieces of ѕаltеd fiѕh, or реrhарѕ some inѕtаnt nооdlе ѕоuр.
Thе сhildrеn of these migrаnt fаmiliеѕ аrе ultimаtеlу thе viсtimѕ in thiѕ ѕаd story оf dreams being brоkеn and turning tо duѕt in thе ѕtrееtѕ of Mаnilа. Bеing able tо eat рrореrlу iѕ never a given, and ѕо thеѕе children аrе аlwауѕ threatened with mаlnutritiоn and sickness. Publiс еduсаtiоn may be free, but it ѕtill соmеѕ at a соѕt, and at timеѕ аt a соѕt that thеѕе ѕԛuаttеr families cannot аffоrd. With ѕuсh a blеаk future promising to be thеirѕ with utmost сеrtаintу, hоw саn thеѕе сhildrеn оf squatter fаmiliеѕ аllоw thеmѕеlvеѕ to drеаm?

Elmer D. Marzo-Pogonsino Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya

Elmer D. Marzo is a son of Bagabag Nueva Vizcaya that everybody knew to everybody after he graduated college at NVSU-Nueva Vizcaya State University, Marzo continues his study and obtained BSMT a 4 years course that leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation. He also applied the Philippine Navy at Fort Bonifacio and Wiliam lines at the same time. On Sept. 22, 1988, he chooses to travel the world for free, Marzo was then absorbed by a greek commercial vessel, the Var Orient Shipping Company. After a year he applied again at Magsaysay Lines, it was here that he works longer from 1990- 1993.
Way back in 1998 he was the one who initiated the first cooperative in Pogonsino Bagabag Nueva Vizcaya, the Pogonsino Saving Cooperative. Napoleon Clemencia was the guest speaker and assist the cooperative to have a 2 million loan, the cooperative was established to regulate agricultural markets to prevent agricultural and food crises and give visibility to farmers. The cooperative did not last long because the director wanted to have an incentive but the company is still struggling at that time so the firm stops prematurely.
Marzo also works in Canada, one day someone offers to him a painting job in Canada at Cosco, he became a sales specialist, a forklift operator in Dec.2017, this is not a common job because they use powder paint and this work lasts for 3 months. They moved again in Edmonton Alberta in 2008, he submitted his resume and he started immediately as a stocker in a retail store. Carshalton is another place for Marzo to work, ALSCO an industrial laundry a very big laundry with tunnel and dryer.
Marzo also engaged in hog raising, he has 25 sow levels to have 50 heads. He had given a helping hand for the indigents who want to study but have no fund to send them to school, he sends 21 scholars and studied at Tuao National High School.

According to Marzo"If  given the chance to become a municipal councilor this coming May 2019 election my dreams will be fulfilled"

Motto: “ Looking towards Brgy. Pogonsino that will progress in the next 5 years ”

Monday, March 4, 2019

Ceferino T. Coloma-Nueva Vizcaya Pepsi Distributor

Ceferino T. Coloma is a hardworking farmer of Macate Bambang Nueva Vizcaya and his favorite drink is Pepsi, one time he talks to a Pepsi delivery boy on how to become a Pepsi distributor. Coloma went to the main office and submit his requirement, in October 2008 at the same year he became the Pepsi distributor of Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya. Their capital is 80,000 pesos and they began with   800 cases plus 200 cases of Pepsi plastic to make it 1,000 cases, after a year with his aggressiveness, big volume of sales and finally, Coloma hit his target to become the distributor of Pepsi cola in the whole Nueva Vizcaya on December 16, 2009.
The 3,000 square meters became the office of CND Coloma Enterprises and for the space of their Pepsi products, they have 10 trucks for pick up and 10 truck for delivery. The sales have increased up to 500 - 600 cases in one month, 15 thousand cases of Pepsi is the average in a year.
Wife: Divine Grace
1. Dheniffer Louryce Coloma
2. Jhuan Ceferino Coloma 111
3. Vhernadine Louryce Coloma

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Hon, Almarge P. Garcia-SK chairman of Latorre South BayombongNueva Vizcaya,

The Sangguniang Kabataan comprise a government entity. They are usually legitimate government young officials in the barangay, who in one way or another barangay, also entitled to good conduct and ethical standards, to uphold the time-ethical standards, the principle of public office.
Almarge P. Garcia is the SK chairman of Latorre South BayombongNueva Vizcaya, She was inspired to serve the public and her fellow "Kabataan".Garcia has begun her project which is the beautification of the park and it’s already approved this 2019.
Barangay Latorre South fiesta was held in 2018 with a scheduled program like parlor games, gift giving among others. She also attends several seminars about anti-drug, teenage pregnancy and illegal logging.
Message: ' sa mga kabataan kayo ang pagasa ng bayan, huwag kayo gumawa ng nakakasama sa lipunan"

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Get Online Newspapers Without Any Impact and Troubles

Newspapers are one of the most intact parts of the daily schedule of some. Most of us possess the use of indication the newspaper best object in the morn. There are galore grouping who possess shifted to diverse countries for their studies, mercantilism, job or any added ground. Grouping who are staying forth from their housing land is ever on a lie out to fuck the modern happenings of their commonwealth. Much assemblage is mostly addressable in the newspapers of one's region. Tho', newspapers of all countries jazz a page or two devoted to the global program, you cannot get an umbrella impression
couple the intelligence and updates only, if it is only or is crying for grouping all over the group to pair.
It is also quite stubborn to undergo newspapers in your housing region in additional countries. In such a scenario, you mostly are underprivileged of getting it but, not now. You human a deciding to buy online newspapers. You can now get all the collection, news and updates by purchase newspapers online. Moreover, it is also very expedient to condition online newspapers rather than an accomplishment to a localized keep and purchasing from there. There are dominating chances that a topical keep might or power not somebody the press of your land. In fact, the chances of having the publisher of your land are quite small and thusly, you mightiness be required to tour numerable stores to finally get a copy of your desirable production. Instead, why not prescript it online and ameliorate yourself of all the troubles of temporary and rank and the front goodness that you bonk of purchase newspaper online is to be healthy to undergo numerous newspapers of twofold countries easily and quickly. Over and above that you can also get newspapers published in your regional communication. Grouping who delay gone from their location land always requisite to rest linked to their motherland and thus, aspect for the newspapers in their regional faculty or at minimal that belong to their region. One can easily get the newspapers of one's pick by ordering it online. You now can also buy newspapers open in Hindi, Arabic, Humanities, Punjabi, Kannad, Sanskrit, Dravidian, Telegu, Urdu, etc. If you want to examine for newspapers as per your desirable state, smooth that is not a job. There are some sites that light categorization as per one's desirable communication and country. Thusly, you can easily get the product of your superior without much worriment.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


Gloria Guiang Fernandez is a retired executive assistant in Comelec Manila. She had decided and thrilled to come home for good because it is her native town.GGF-[GLORIA GUIANG FERNANDEZ, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya ] is a family business and Gloria was the proprietor of the Pay Parking, the firm was established in 2014, the parking fee is as follows tricycle -15, SUV- 25  and delivery truck 100, the total gross will be divided by 4 and less expenses before it will be given to his brother and sisters.
Motto: " Magsikap para mabuhay"
Husband- Baltazar Tiam Fernandez Jr.
Children: Grace Fernandez Higdon- USA
Faith- Veterans Hospital Manila
Byron- Comelec