CV NORTHERN STAR: A man of good heart

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

A man of good heart

EX MAYORVICTOR ZAPATA CASTILLO  BAGABAG NUEVA VIZCAYA, The most humble, hardworking and result oriented former Mayor Victor Z. Castillo was able to carve its niche in the municipality of Bagabag as a result of his dynamism and practicality in having his leadership shown by deeds that led to the improvement and development of the said municipality. Aside from constructing the municipal hall which has been the center of governance, lots of public services for the betterment of its constituents which can be shown in areas of agriculture for the farmers, the economic livelihood programs, development of small and medium scale entrepreneurial businesses, construction of infrastructure, roads, farm to market roads, green revolution, animal dispersal, improvement of public market utilities. 

 Castillo has also spearheaded banking institutions to speed up the economic impetus for a healthy business and smooth collection of taxes so as to be able to have a ready source of financing capability in building projects favorable with its constituents, peace order was maintained so as to be able to encourage business as usual among many other initiatives geared towards the economic improvement of said municipality. Indeed Mr. Victor Z Castillo is a living legacy of the development and progress of Bagabag Nueva Vizcaya. He is simply a person of humility for as they say " ...there is greatness in simplicity ..."

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