CV NORTHERN STAR: Action Oriented Leader

Friday, September 4, 2020

Action Oriented Leader


NORMA C.MONTEREAL President- Gaddang Indigenous People's Organization Sector: 101 San Geronimo St. Bagabag Nueva VizcayaAn ex OFW who spent her overseas working stint as a hard domestic helper in the middle east at Al Ain UAE, Hongkong, and the U.S.A. Having had earned the respect and admiration of her foreign employers simply because of her dedication and work responsibilities, she had always been offered renewals of her job contracts but due to some personal reasons of her choice, she was compelled to come back home to do family affairs that need immediate concerns and attention. 

Her sterling and unique character bespeak of real friendship, concern, and caring for the benefit of others mostly to anyone and more so with the minority group that she belongs to, the Gaddangs tribe. Eventually because of her leadership time and again she was voted as President of Indigenous Peoples Organization, Villa Coloma sector Bagabag N.V. As an active President of said organization, she spearheaded lots of actions geared for the betterment of said above organization, one of which is the translation of the Bible into the Gaddang dialect ( language). As per the directive from DepEd, the said organization with prior consultation with local school authorities took initiative in the use, by way of familiarization the Gaddang language in one of its primary subjects

She has blessed with a young daughter, and now a successful career woman. Ms. Norma Montereal, is a happy go, lucky woman, a simple, humble, and an amazing woman of good character...

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