CV NORTHERN STAR: Barangay Councilor Godelia G aduang- Banganan Aritao Nueva Vizcaya

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Barangay Councilor Godelia G aduang- Banganan Aritao Nueva Vizcaya


Councilor Godelia Gaduang of Banganan Aritao Nueva Vizcaya is a 1st term Barangay Councilor which she was a committee of Infra and Education. Brgy Captain Villegas and council spearheaded various projects such as the concreting of roads, barangay hall, declogging, canal lining, among others.

Gaduang was motivated to run because his son was a Barangay Councilor at that time, so after his son's term Councilor Godelia Gaduang run as Barangay Councilor, and luckily he won as 1st Councilor.

His husband had worked before as an OFW worker at Wartsila in Saudi Arabia for 10 years and he also works in Iraq as an oiler for two years.

Barangay Councilor Godelia and Nestor Gauduang were blessed with four successful children. Zoilo- B.S. Philosophy, Christian- BS Mechanic and works in Saudi Arabia, Deseree- Accountant at a US Company and Nelia Eliza- BS Pharmacy.

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