CV NORTHERN STAR: Ronaldo Manzano Domingo - Barangay Roxas Solano Nueva Vizcaya

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Ronaldo Manzano Domingo - Barangay Roxas Solano Nueva Vizcaya

The farmer has a big role for us Filipinos who are eating rice as our staple food. Ronaldo Manzano Domingo of  Barangay Roxas Solano Nueva Vizcaya is a friendly farmer with a heart for the community. In his time as a teenager, he used to be a construction worker and a jeep operator driver. He never stops working and saving for his family.
Domingo starts his life with a humble life and has an aim for his children to have a brighter future, so he sends all of them to school with the help of his wife Norma Balinan Valdoz.
Domingo's children are all professional Arselie Domingo became a teacher at National High School Bascaran, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya, Arnaldo Domingo is a CPA, lawyer and currently working at Security Bank in Makati, Arlene Domingo Laygo is working at Riyadh Military Hospital and Joselyn Domingo Caguingin.

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